Increase foot traffic and leverage your listings to capture high-quality Leads

With the use of bluetooth enabled lockboxes Self Home Tours will bridge the gap between home Buyers searching online and touring for sale listings. Buyers who tour a property with Self Home Tours are connected with Real Estate Agents to enhance their purchase experience.

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How it Works

Self Home Tour's advanced technology allows a prospective home Buyer to tour their dream home without the assistance of a Real Estate Agent. Buyers who register for a Self Home Tour are interviewed about their level of interest, time frame, likes and dislikes. Then each Buyer is vetted with a multi-layered advanced security system that uses the Buyer’s Photo ID, Selfie and Credit Card to perform a fraud detection screening and background check. Once approved, the Buyer can schedule a SelfHomeTour to receive one-time use credentials and gain access to for sale listings with a Blutooth enabled smart phone.



Sign-up and you will receive a Self Home Tours lockbox(es) and marketing materials in the mail.


Register Listing

After imputing your listing into the MLS, register your listing and lockbox on your Agent dashboard.


Hands-free Showings

Home Buyers can use any home search website or smart phone app to find your listing and schedule their Self Home Tour. All Buyers will be verified for the safety and security of your Client and their home. You'll see activity

Get Started

Exclusive Hot Leads

You’ll have an opportunity to capture home Buyers who visit your listings, using Self Home Tours platform. When Buyers tell us they love your listing or need some help we'll connect you with an exclusive opportunity to cultivate the Buyer and convert them into a Client.

Key Benefits

MLS Sync

It’s easy, just enter the MLS listing number and choose a lockbox, then your listing’s details are updated with SelfHomeTour automatically.

ShowingTime Integration

You and your Clients will use ShowingTime to approve Real Estate Agent appointments and Self Home Tours all in one place with no additional setup.

Hot Leads

No more paying for cold, poor-quality leads! You'll be leveraging your own listings to capture home Buyers who have left their online search behind and are eagerly awaiting for your professional advice.

Lead Management

Decide how and when incoming leads are shared amongst the members of your real estate team.

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Simple, scalable pricing.

Grow at your own pace. More locks means more leads.


Up to 2 Users

$60/ lockbox
  • 1 Free Lockbox
  • MLS Sync
  • Scheduling Calendar
Sign Up


Up to 15 Users

$75/ lockbox
  • 1 Free lockbox
  • MLS Sync
  • Scheduling Calendar
  • Analytics
  • Centralized Billing
  • Lead Management/Sharing
  • CRM Integration
Sign Up

$150 per additional lockbox - you own it!

Contact us for custom pricing if you are a large team or brokerage.

All plans require 3-month upfront payment to cover the cost of your first lock box and marketing materials package.

Let's bring self-service to the Real Estate industry

Here's what Agents are saying:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.
Jane Doe - CEO at ACME inc.
Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
John Smith - Lead designer at Design Firm
In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium.
Clark Kent - Landing page evangelist


Doesn't this remove Real Estate Agents from this picture?

No! Other self-service touring systems seek circumvent the Real Estate Agent by connecting home Buyers directly with Sellers. We are in the business of enhancing the home Buyers experience through Self Home Tours by connecting Buyers with Real Estate Agents at the exact moment they are most likely to welcome your assistance. Our goal is to be a real estate industry partner that builds a bridge from the Buyers online home search to the Real Estate Agent.

Do home Buyers pay anything?

Self Home Tours is free for home Buyers to use, minus a one-time $1 charge that is used to verify the Buyer’s identity to keep the platform safe and secure.

How do leads work?

When home Buyers visit your listing with Self Home Tours we begin the cultivation process. Our unique, Exclusive Lead tech will create exclusive opportunities to engage with Buyers. Leads are not shared other Agents and you’ll have an exclusive 14 day marketing period to cultivate your exclusive leads and turn them into clients.

Is this secure?

We verify home Buyers before a SelfHomeTour appointment can be made. We will know exactly who, and when, visited a home.

Is this safe?

Home Buyers undergo identity verification and a background check just like an Agent does. Each appointment will require approval for specific timeframe and the entry and exits are logged.

Ready to get started?

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